Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie
For the European Archaeology Days on June 14, 15 and 16, 2024, discover the job of an archeologist at the Musée du Pays Châtillonnais - Trésor de Vix in Châtillon-sur-Seine.
During these three days, free admission at the museum will allow you to discover the new temporary exhibition “Archéocapsule: l'archéologie des sexes” from INRAP (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research), which addresses gender issues in archaeology.
On Friday June 14, a conference (only in french) by two archaeologists, Emilie MIllet and Bastien Dubuis, will take you back to the excavations at the Vix protohistoric site in 1953, and introduce you to the new findings from the 2019 digs.
On Saturday June 15 and Sunday June 16, from 10am to 5:30pm, get into the shoes of an archaeologist with an excavation tank and a presentation of the different specialties of archaeology.
Visits and events are free during these days.
Reservations required on +33 (0)3 58 95 80 11 or by email accueil@musee-chatillonnais.fr
More information about the European Archaeology Days on : https://journees-archeologie.eu/c-2024/lg-en/accueil