L'art de vie : rencontre entre deux pays
‘L'art de vie : Rencontres entre deux pays’, an exhibition specially designed for the Festival des Solidarités in Châtillon-sur-Seine. It paints a portrait of two cultures, one at the heart of Europe, the other in sub-Saharan Africa. Travelling between Ukraine and Burkina-Faso, the exhibition takes you on a journey of discovery of two countries, two cultures, two associations (Vinca and Burkina-Solidarité) working in the field of international solidarity, and two artists (Mariia MATHOKNIUK, painter and Anouck MICHEL, illustrator).
Two worlds that meet at the crossroads, in the heart of the Châtillonnais region, at the Musée du Pays Châtillonnais - Trésor de Vix, from 1 to 30 November 2024.
The exhibition will include a presentation of each of the two associations, VINCA and Burkina-Solidarités, and the work they are doing, a presentation of the two artists, Mariia MATHOKNUK and Anouck MICHEL, and objects representing the two cultures. ‘L'art de vie : Rencontres entre deux pays’ will also give you the opportunity to discover Mariia MATHOKNIUK's fresco “Arbre de vie urkrainienne”, accompanied by an explanation of the creative process behind the fresco, as well as five large-format portraits painted by Mariia. You will also be able to admire five large-format portraits by Anouck, with her travel diaries, including one from Burkina Faso, and small-format portraits in watercolour and felt-tip pen.
On 10 November 2024 at 6pm, the museum will host the free show ‘Requiem pour un smartphone’, presented by Compagnie Bulles de Zinc and Emmanuel Lambert. Based on three life stories, all linked to the coltan mines in the Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, this show aims to raise awareness of the issues surrounding the industrial production of smartphones, and engage the audience in an individual and collective reflection on the consequences of the over-digitisation of our societies. Lasting 1 hour 15 minutes (followed by a discussion period) this show is reserved for people aged 15 and over. Please register with the museum by telephone or email (limited to 100 people). Please note that this show is in French language only.
Every Wednesday in November, Mariia Matokhniuk will be coming to the museum to run a workshop on creating a Ukrainian fresco using Petrykivka painting techniques. The workshops take place over the course of the day, with the materials being prepared and put in place in the morning, from 10am to 12pm, and the fresco being created and decorated in the afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm. These workshops are free and must be booked in advance with the museum. They are open to all, but children under 9 must be accompanied by an adult.
More information: https://musee-vix.fr/en/visite-expositions/472#sthash.Av3qCXZh.dpbs