La librairie boutique
Extend your discovery of the museum with a visit to the bookshop: browse a selection of reference titles and choose from a wide range of original products.
The bookshop-boutique features a selection of books on the arts and civilisations related to the collections (Prehistory to the 20th century), exhibition catalogues, artists' books, a selection for young people, reproductions of works of art, regional products and a variety of jewellery.
Take home an original souvenir of your visit!
- Silver jewellery collection
Discover the jewellery inspired by the Treasure of Vix, made by Pierre Toulhoat in his workshop in Brittany or by Amélie Blaise in her parisian workshop.
- Weaven scarf, organic cotton
The french factory Létol offers you the possibility to wear a unique piece of art inspired by the Vix Treasure iconography. Made in France, with organic cotton, available in 4 colors.
- La tombe de Vix, un trésor celte entre histoire et légende (108 pages, format 24 X 28 cm, paperback) - Price €20 - in French
The discovery of the Vix tomb is one of the major milestones in the history of 20th-century French archaeology. Its historical importance, the beauty and prestige of its furnishings, and the fact that it belonged to a woman, led to legends springing up around the discovery. While this book presents all the pieces of the treasure, it also sets out to reconstruct the 1953 discovery and put the treasure into context in the light of current archaeological research.
- Archéologia Hors-Série n°37, Vix de la tombe au musée (68 pages, format 21 x 28,5 cm, paperback) - Price 10 € - in French
This special issue presents the excavations carried out at Vix in Burgundy. A tumulus from the Iron Age was discovered there in 1953, housing the burial chamber of a high-ranking woman. The excavation carried out in 2019 brought numerous enrichments to the knowledge of this site, the treasures of which are preserved in the splendid Pays Châtillonnais - Trésor de Vix museum.
- Guide to the collections (52 pages, format 14.8 x 21 cm, paperback) - Price €6 - English/French/German
A cultural facility run by the Communauté de Communes du Pays Châtillonnais, the 2000 square metre Musée du Pays Châtillonnais - Trésor de Vix exhibits the history of a region with an unspoilt environment and a rich past where every period has left its mark...
Updated and richly illustrated, this guide alternates between presentations of objects and more thematic texts. Featuring a chronological frieze and a map of the archaeological sites in the Châtillonnais region, it takes you on a stroll through the collections and is an invaluable introduction to a visit to the museum.